Best Available Rate (BAR), also known as Best Rate Guarantee assures our guests que quoted are the lowest available rate for each night.

Hotel Avenida PalaceHotel Avenida Palace

Musique au Palace

Programme musical pour piano de Octobre

01 - Soft Jazz

02 - Movies music

03 - Soft Jazz

04 - Fado music

05 - Soft Jazz

06 - Soft Jazz

07 - An American songbook

08 - Classical music

09 - Popular Festivities music

10 - “Fados e Guitarradas”

11 - A Romantic songbook

12 - Soft Jazz

13 - Soft Jazz

14 - A Favorites songbook

15 - Classical music

16 - Fado music

17 - Soft Jazz

18 - A Brazilian songbook

19 - Smooth vocal Jazz

20 - Recital – J.S.Bach, L. van Beethoven, W.A. Mozart

21 - An American songbook

22 - Soft Jazz

23 - Movies music

24 - Classical music

25 - Fado music

26 - Soft Jazz

27 - Recital – F. Chopin, F. Liszt, C. Debussy

28 - A Favorites songbook

29 - Soft Jazz

30 - Popular Festivities music

31 - Soft Jazz

7 p.m.

Hour and program subject to confirmation



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